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Earl Arboneaux | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Andrea Mobley 06-Mar-2013 22:44

Just moved to Napoleonville and stumbled across your work. Absolutely breathtaking work! I'm an amateur myself and still learning how to get the crispness that your images have. Beautiful work!!
Oscar Boudreaux 02-Jul-2012 13:43
I just started taking photos as a hobby and was wondering if you offer classes. I sure would like to learn from a pro. Absolutely great photos.
FocusingOnWildlife.com27-May-2010 21:14
Positively impressed by your website. Let's exchange links:
Ken Billington's Bird & Wildlife Photography
Photobank of bird & wildlife stock photos, available to send as free e-cards or to purchase as high resolution images.
Guest 30-Dec-2009 12:19
Very nice
Warren16-Oct-2009 21:06
Hey Earl, I just added you to my favorite artists list. I didn't want to miss anything.
Keep up the good work. Do you have a pet Gulf Fritillary down there? :)
Jim Gauthier 16-Aug-2009 05:18
WOW! This is super great. I have spent the last hour looking at your work and I love every second of it. Born and raised in Lafayette and fished in Lake Martin as a kid looking at your wonderful pictures brings back old memories. Thanks for posting. Your pictures for me are all classics. Good Luck and thanks again. I have never seen the Cajan country looking so good.
Guest 04-Apr-2009 18:29
Hi! Earl
Thanks so much for your support and kind comment to me.
You're also made a great job and I'll be back to your site later to dick deep of your job.
Thanks again
twistedlim31-Mar-2009 18:04
Thanks for the kind comment Earl!
Rolf Simonsen16-Feb-2009 14:09
Thanks Earl for the comment. You made my day. Been to LA many times and love it. Especially the bignets in N.O.
Guest 07-Feb-2009 12:19
Hi Earl,
Thanks for visiting my galleries and your kind comments.
Best regards from IRAN.

John Armstrong02-Jan-2009 15:51
Thanks for your kind comment on my gallery
Guest 12-Sep-2008 15:24
You have great sets of images. The variety you've presented reveals your diverse talent. I've enjoyed viewing your photos and looking forward to seeing many more.

Happy shooting!
Paul Bryson 10-Aug-2008 23:51
It looks like a wonderful website Earl !

Paul Bryson
rene hoff12-Jun-2008 10:52
Good work Earl nice light !
FĂ©licitations amicalement

bill 31-May-2008 01:42
great photos
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal21-Jan-2008 18:31
Hi Earl, thanks for the visit, You've got some outstanding shots out here aswell,
jerry 12-Nov-2007 17:37
earl check out tom merigan on p base for great duck pictures
JERRY 07-Nov-2007 17:34
please add more pictures or I WILL FIRE YOU
Suzi 18-Oct-2007 00:03
Hi Mr. Earl,
Your photos are absolutely stunning! I can only hope that one day I will develop the eye that you was gifted with. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Guest 27-Jun-2007 13:37
Keep moving forward. I can see that you have a lot of potential.
Guest 28-Aug-2006 05:42
Very nice and beautiful galleries. Great work Earl. Congatulations and keep on clicking. I wanted to see more of your work.
Dana Koogler 03-Apr-2006 20:38
I was fortunate to happen upon your gallery of exquisite photos of Louisiana! I knew with a name like Arboneaux you had to be the real deal! Thank you for taking time to share your art. You have a gift. I'm reading the James Lee Burke mysteries now featuring the character Dave Robicheaux. That was what made me want to educate myself further about your lovely area. It is the setting for these books. Lake Martin/New Iberia and the like. Keep up the good work! Dana