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Melanie | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Melanie21-Jul-2014 05:42
please contact me @ : . Thank you
carol 14-Jun-2009 18:22
hi mel;
love your photo's, keep up the good work, after reading your article, sounds like you had an interesting life????:)
takkehoer 25-Dec-2008 14:13
i love your pics
Guest 20-May-2008 00:22
hi mel joe from aus here, good site lots of nice suggestion if i may, see your mentor and learn about bounce flash work !!!!!!

great to see you
ted janko 08-Oct-2007 20:56
my name is ted. I bought a painting,"Woman and Dog", from you in 1988 when you played at my bar, Ted's. please contact me. 415-453-8600.
Guest 14-Jun-2007 07:26
One world. Stunning.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 07:04
I really envy your pictures.
Guest 13-Dec-2006 06:34
Very nice stuff "Mel" maybe you should put some concept into your ideas, and venture away from the photoshop filters. Just an idea.
Jak 07-Dec-2006 22:14
Good site, Jonn from NY.
pwnrkleid jkagxy 06-Dec-2006 02:41
xtiznwej afulq wksmezyij vbdfoxkyl vurxfbet saxoztymf opbvjudkw
xqgbp qdwm 06-Dec-2006 02:35
hlacgqo wlgnz ycao skzfoali tcjkxq gbvudrfnl jcbayx
endzsa hqtrzwbga 06-Dec-2006 02:23
pezqnmxf axrobtw qpwjkzoi dgonbk mcrzelpu nbxmq gbiz
ljskw gvakom 03-Dec-2006 00:33
vwgsqf hxjmk onwfux kcmby kseowdn rnqihm vprt
awdolfs huocq 16-Nov-2006 08:24
vwpiao kwhnmg emptu ezhlrbjvq ihjtq mibafvodj oqbuy 10-Nov-2006 07:02
Nice site. Thanks. 13-Oct-2006 15:59
Cool site. Thanks:-)
Klain 26-Aug-2006 03:28
For sure, it's a nice site! 21-Aug-2006 01:28
Very good site. Thanks!
Guest 12-Aug-2006 22:14
theres a building in canton,IL you might like if it's still there.
the guy who owned the dungeon moved his biz to canton.
john doe
johnson 12-Aug-2006 02:59
We have enjoyed the pictures . While seeing the pictures i am able to know that , the pictures whould have been really taken only by a realistic, creative person should have taken that.

best wishes from CCChildrenhome, mamallapuram.
Douglas 22-Jul-2006 00:27
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Joey 05-Jun-2006 20:17
I like this kinda stuff! 23-May-2006 15:50
Amusing fiction. Drogo.
vegasrails25-Mar-2006 09:34
nice galleries, I'll keep checking back for more...Ken
John 25-Mar-2006 05:10
You've got a great site.
Guest 21-Mar-2006 20:41
Love the work, keep it up!
breeze 27-Feb-2006 19:52
hello mel;
you continue to do good work, great with the eye, is right..
do you travel all over, or, are these pictures taken in your area..
how do you put the name on to the photo, which is a great idea, so no one can steel your work..
how is the gallery working for you??sell any work, yet??
Guest 13-Feb-2006 20:32
Thanks for the commen on my picture
Kenneth Zimmerman24-Dec-2005 16:29
To all my PBase friends and favorite artists:
Merry Chritsmas and Happy New Year!
I've enjoyed all you work and I know viewing your
images have made making mine better.
Keep shooting and posting,
it's been a great experience for me and someday
I'd like to meet each of you.
Maybe a PBase covention someday?
Regards, Zimmek.
Ed Jaffie 04-Dec-2005 19:46
Sorry, its been so long since I have checked this. Saw more of all the family, than I have been privy to in a long time. Hope you will take lots of pictures at your up-coming wedding. Wish I could be there.
I love you more,
Guest 29-Sep-2005 21:43
Fotos muy interesantes
Gracias por compartirlas
Saludos desde EspaƱa
Alex 06-Jul-2005 09:33
I do like the picture's, and came on youre site through searchmachine Google.
I'm living in the Netherlands and have a space all about Native's.
Most of it is in Dutch, but i hope i can reach some people with the wisdom and knowledge.

Thanks for letting me see youre pictures, keep up the good work!!
cindy 25-Jun-2005 00:36
melanie crisp..did u ever live in lookin for an old friend?
Erkan Erdem08-Jun-2005 23:27
Really nice pictures but watts the difference between chipmunks and squirrels?!
Best Regards and Greetings..
lebororo04-Jun-2005 23:15
Some beautiful pictures in your gallery
Keep the good job!
Wynne Davies 01-Jun-2005 09:56
Hi, I was just neighborhood and found your site. I wanted to compliment you on your work. I myself do photography and found what you have done is very inspiring. I will be going to iceland soon so hope to have a nice collection of my adventures to add to my site.
Wynne Davies (
Holger 29-May-2005 07:42
Hi, greate site
regards from germany
Don 27-Apr-2005 02:31
Hi Mel,
Enjoyed your pictures. Graduated Chillicothe High in 1953.

Kenneth 13-Feb-2005 03:24
Love them and thank you fore the chat again
Charles 24-Dec-2004 15:03

Nice pictures! I'm guessing that you love astronomy. Keep up the good work and I will check back again.
mumu 15-Dec-2004 03:56
i love mugus
Jeff Cochran28-Nov-2004 17:43
Back for a visit, You have some wonderful galleries here. Something to be proud of. Cheers.
Mario Presecki11-Nov-2004 08:17
Melanie, thank you for the comment on my night window photo.
You have many nice and interesting photos in your galleries.
Leif Justesen 23-Oct-2004 08:30
I have "stolen" a copy of one of your pictures to create a birthday card. I think all your pictures are very beautiful and well done. Regards from Denmark.
Guest 21-Sep-2004 20:18
Hi Melanie. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a nice comment. I was looking through your galleries. Your attempts at art gallery is my favorite.
Guest 10-Sep-2004 21:35
Thanks for viewing my galleries and your nice comments, I am really enjoying PAD
thanks again Geoff
Stan Richard27-Aug-2004 15:06
Melanie, thank you for the nice comment on my sunrise image. Cheers! Stan
Tom 05-Aug-2004 03:16
Hello, my complimenst for your nice photos!
Please come see my website and photos sometime?
Best regards, Tom from The Netherlands.
Bev 04-Aug-2004 12:18
WOW WOW Mel - you are certainly capturing some great shots!! I am so glad you've found this new interst and one you are becoming very good at very quickly - I will watch with interest> You've have inspired me to begin looking at thing through the lens of my camera as well.
Gina 02-Aug-2004 23:04
: ) I like your pictures Mel.,Thank you for sharing them with me. GB
jypsee02-Aug-2004 18:33
Melanie...aren't you the sweetest gal!! Thanks for your kind words on my red sails photo. Love your horsies!!....jypsee in Marinette for the summer
Jason 29-Jul-2004 04:43
Hi Melanie,

I have been looking through your photos and you have lots of great ones. I have posted a few comments - check out your "things I do not know what to do with yet" gallery, and you'll see which photos I liked. I enjoy your photos and you can bet I'll be back to see your PAD photos.

If you are so inclined, you can check out my PAD at:

---Jason G
Mansour Mouasher27-Jul-2004 03:09
Beautiful galleries, magnificent images, very expressive!
Guest 11-Jul-2004 21:16
HI, thanks for the message. I'm much better now!
Guest 10-Jul-2004 01:11
Hi Mel, Your photography is getting better all the time. Wayne looks like he'd make great photographic material. Keep on shooting. Ira
Lisa07-Jul-2004 19:37
Thank you for the very nice comments you left in my galleries. Very inspiring work in your galleries and your patriotism is contagious. Really nice work. Hope you enjoy living in IL as much as I do.
Dan06-Jul-2004 23:14
Thanks for the comment in my gallery. I enjoyed visiting your galleries and welcome to pbase!
Stan Richard06-Jul-2004 20:56
Melanie, thanks for the message, I appreciate it. Cheers! Stan Richard
Wanda 30-Jun-2004 05:22
Melanie, I enjoyed exploring your galleries. My favorite picture of all is the owl ready to attack. What a great capture, your timing was perfect!
rljslick24-Jun-2004 13:42
Great site Melanie! You said you are new to photography? Thats hard to believe! Welcome to the Midwest, you know you will always have a friend to the North!

Guest 20-Jun-2004 14:27
Hi Melanie. Thanks for your comments recently in our Dog Diary! We have enjoyed
looking at your photos, especially the wild critters gallery. Take care and happy shooting!

Mansour Mouasher18-Jun-2004 01:47
Thank you Melanie for your kind words. You have inspired and motivated me to explore new and challenging avenues in photography.
I enjoyed browsing through your on-line galleries. Beautiful colors and composition. Well Done.
Mansour Mouasher
Guest 15-Jun-2004 21:50
Melanie your Galleries are excellent, natural, you take pictures of what you enjoy, i do the same, keep up the good work.I am still learning as well.
Stan Richard14-Jun-2004 20:38
Melanie, thanks for the nice note on my image. Cheers! Stan Richard
Jeff Gegner12-Jun-2004 19:12
I am glad you enjoying your new hobby. Keep up the good work. You are progressing nicely. The more you shoot the better you will get. You are getting some very nice stuff now, so you definitely have the eye. One thing about photography--you never quit learning!

Thanks for stopping by my galleries. I found myself too busy right now to keep up with the PAD. I will try and get back to it later. The PAD really does make you work!
Guest 01-Jun-2004 02:54
Hi Memanie, Thanks for the kind comments on my portfolio "Candid-New York City." You do some great photographic work yourself, excellent quality and composition. By the way, NYC is not that bad. You'd probably enjoy it if you visited.
Guest 01-Jun-2004 01:06
I am new at this too. and i
like your photos. Keep up the good
work. and thanks for sharing.
Guest 29-May-2004 13:05
I enjoyed your galleries very much! Animals can be difficult
to photograph.... you're doing a great job!
Guest 23-May-2004 06:21
Really really enjoyed browsing your galleries. I live in Peoria (3 yrs), LOVE this small wonderful town. Check out my gallery: Some may look familiar to you:)
Guest 23-May-2004 01:40
I saw the nice comment regarding my toilet bowl shots and had to come take a look at your work. It looks like you are enjoying photography as both a past time and an art form, very similar to what I am doing. Keep learning and loving it, I am convinced this is the laziest way to enjoy being an artist.
Melanie17-May-2004 09:09
Thqanks for the vote of confidence. As to having fun... I want to take photo's of every one & thing I see. Hmmm, does that mean I am an addict already??? If so, then I am a happy one. *smiles*
Karen Stuebing17-May-2004 08:13
Really enjoyed browsing your galleries. You're doing very well and it looks like you're having fun.
Michele14-May-2004 21:14
Hi Mel, thanks for the nice compliment on my little critters. Let me tell you they are "buggers" (lol) to photograph !! Takes lots of patience, but most of all being in the right place at the right time. I really enjoyed your flower gallery. You said that you are new to photography, you have a good eye. Any pointers needed give a holler or an email. Michele
Melanie14-May-2004 04:27
Thanks Dad. You are right, & I knew it as soon as Wayne got me started.
Ed Jaffie 14-May-2004 04:16
I am very impressed with your inital offerings. I believe there is a hidden talent there trying to break through. Keep up the good work, and listen to your mentor. This is what you have been needing in your life.
Guest 07-May-2004 11:35
Thanks for the visit the other day - I enjoyed looking at your photos, I think "Mels Budda" is my favorite.
Jeff Cochran26-Apr-2004 02:13
Hello, I enjoyed your photos.Thx for sharing. :)